selfing your experience

This is from Sam Harris’s app called Waking Up and is a brief commentary about ego and illusion:

… your mental experience of the world is a process. It is not a static something. So the experience of being a self, an ego, in the middle of all of these changing neurophysiological states, it too must be a process. It’s a verb, it’s not a noun. You are selfing your experience. You are not a self standing in the middle of experience. Self is a kind of action. It’s the act of identifying. It’s the act of grasping.

– Sam Harris (no date) Ego and Illusion. [online] available from [30 January 2024], from 01:29min.

Makes me think that it takes a lot of effort to maintain this process of selfing.


One response to “selfing your experience”

  1. […] in February on this blog I quoted Sam Harris re selfing one’s experience. Now here’s Jon Kabat-Zinn on […]

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