Tag: attention

  • default mode network

    If you start reading about consciousness, the brain and mindfulness practices you will come across the term Default Mode Network or DMN. It refers to network of brain structures responsible for the “inattentive wandering of our minds” (Williams, 2014) that was first described by Marcus Raichle in 2001. The term is relevant in Losing Oneself…

  • paying attention is ceasing to do something

    It seems generally hard to get a handle on words like perception, attention and sensation, and especially so in nonduality: When paying attention who is the subject doing the attending, and what is the object that is being attended to? Here’s Sam Harris from his Waking Up app on how choice happens: When we focus…

  • the paradox of choice

    In the middle of a guided Waking Up meditation I hear the following words: Observe that you don’t actually choose the next thing you notice; whatever it is. Everything is simply appearing, including acts of attention. You don’t know what you will pay attention to next. See if you can drop back into that position…