Tag: documentation

  • shimmer duet (video)

    Some more video but this time two separate video streams (one of Katye Coe, one of me (Simon Ellis)) placed side by side on the canvas. Two notes: i) I made no effort to match them or shift them in time; ii) the video is not slowed down at all.

  • shimmer again (video)

    My colleague Heinrich Escano has been playing a bit more with using motion extraction from the simple footage taken from a still video camera (although in this clip there are some still images as well). In this sample there are three different things to look at: 1) you can see what happens when there is…

  • response to shimmer

    I had some interesting responses to the brief video shimmer from a couple of weeks ago. My colleague Scott deLahunta wrote: [the video] really highlights the variation going on across the whole surface of the body, the small balancing adjustments, the small dancing going on. which you miss normally since your attention is dragged toward…

  • shimmer

    I’ve mentioned before in data data data and in low fidelity documentation just how complex the ways in which some of the practical work in the studio might be documented and shared. A while back I happened across a simple post-production technique called motion extraction by the YouTuber Posy. It made me think that it…

  • low fidelity documentation

    I’ve written and presented in another context about documenting complex, rich, high fidelity human experiences with low fidelity (or resolution) forms of documentation. When we point any kind of camera at a human being improvising there is vast difference between the internal experience of the improviser and what is visible. In Losing Oneself Katye Coe…