Tag: Katye Coe

  • becoming the passenger

    Yesterday I blogged about Jon Kabat-Zinn’s term awareness-ing and how awareness is inseparable from experience. Going through the transcripts of my post-dancing conversations with Katye Coe, I note that I was starting to use this term. In this extract below I am trying to describe two things. First is the shift from the feeling of…

  • shimmer duet (video)

    Some more video but this time two separate video streams (one of Katye Coe, one of me (Simon Ellis)) placed side by side on the canvas. Two notes: i) I made no effort to match them or shift them in time; ii) the video is not slowed down at all.

  • ask where the horse is going

    In our work and conversations together Katye would often talk about the moment in improvising where one becomes a passenger. Katye says this is Charlie Morrissey’s term for the feeling that rather than you driving the improvisation, it is driving or leading you. Here’s one moment when Katye is reflecting on this idea: and the…

  • simple gif

    These images are of Katye Coe dancing on 13 March 2024. I looked at the first one (slightly out of shot) and then grabbed the next 50.

  • next phase

    Yesterday (Wednesday 13 March 2024) Katye Coe and I finished the studio-based phase of the project. If you’ve been looking around this blog you will have noticed that most of the posts are really background information: philosophical and theoretical things that have in some way been important to the research. This is what is next:…

  • low fidelity documentation

    I’ve written and presented in another context about documenting complex, rich, high fidelity human experiences with low fidelity (or resolution) forms of documentation. When we point any kind of camera at a human being improvising there is vast difference between the internal experience of the improviser and what is visible. In Losing Oneself Katye Coe…

  • me doing into it doing itself

    One of the things that Katye Coe and I have been focused on in the studio is the remarkably subtle shift that happens between a very expansive and open awareness that is the consequence of attention, and the feeling that a similarly open awareness is happening of its own accord. Katye beautifully captures this distinction…