the thing itself

In work like this that explores complex first-person experiences of and through the body, you inevitably bump into the issue of the thing or experience itself versus our description of it.

Years ago I had a go at discussing this long-standing issue in dance and performance in a presentation called Hands that don’t want anything. It’s a little cringey for me to read these days (and much of it I now disagree with) but perhaps there are some ideas in there that readers might enjoy or be nourished by. One thing I still find useful is that beautifully important notion that “language is only a finger pointing at the moon and not the moon itself” (Johnston 1973 p.3).


Johnston, William. (1973). ‘Introduction’. The Cloud of Unknowing and the Book of Privy Counseling. W. Johnston. New York, Doubleday.

Ellis, Simon. (2009). ‘Hands That Don’t Want Anything’. Presented at TaPRA, University of Plymouth, 8 September 2009.


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